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The marketing features in the Listen EVERYWHERE app are powerful ways to engage and build brand affinity with your target audience. This article provides tips and helpful hints for customizing the Listen EVERYWHERE app.

Customize the color theme, channel names and images, create sliding banners, promotions, offers, and lock channels with a password in the Listen EVERYWHERE app through an online portal called, Cloud Services. Accordingly, if you haven’t already set up your Cloud Services account, request access by filling out this form.

Which Listen EVERYWHERE App Features are Customizable?

Welcome Ad or Video – The Welcome Ad (not pictured in the image below) is the first image or video that the user sees when opening the app.

App Theme – The App Theme allows you to edit the title displayed on the top of the app, main banner color, and secondary colors (tab and channel name).

Documents – This section is where you can provide PDF documents for your guests to access. Examples of documents venues might make available to guests include nutritional information, seating charts, and event calendars.

Sliding Promotional Banners – Sliding banners can be ads, coupons, promotions, or special events that click through to your menu, website, or additional information.

Offers – Promotional offers is a place for custom content that might include schedules, websites, or event agendas. These allow your guest to click through to your custom content.

Channel Labels – Customize the app experience to you brand by naming the channels and uploading images.

Private Channels – Private channels are optional and lock access to the audio on a channel with a passcode for added security. You can set which (if any) channels are locked and create and change the passcode for locked channels inside Cloud Services and in the Admin section directly in the app. Learn more in this video.

A picture of a phone with the Listen Everywhere app showing on the screen. There are callout features for ways you can customize the app including the Welcome Ad or Video, the App Theme, Documents, Sliding Promotional Banners, Offers, Channel Labels, and Private Channel lock icons.

1. How to Create a Welcome Ad

Creating a Welcome Ad is a great way to start customizing the Listen EVERYWHERE app. You can add a video or artwork to tell your guests about menus, events, and other ways to engage with your brand. just follow these steps:

A screen shot of the drop down menu where you customize the welcome ad in the Listen EVERYWHERE app.
  1. Log into your Cloud Services account: http://services.listeneverywhere.com
  2. When logged in, click the menu icon on the upper-left side of the page, and select Welcome Ads > Create Welcome Ad
  3. On the Create Welcome Ad page, use the following options:
    • Name: <Name your ad>
    • Enable Skip
    • Type of Welcome Ad (video or image)
    • Welcome File: Browse to the location of the or image to upload to the app
  4. Click Save
  5. After saving, on the Assign Venues page, select which venue(s) to which you want to apply the new welcome ad.
  6. The page refreshes and the synchronization results are listed at the bottom of the page after saving.
  7. Validate that the default Welcome Ad has been replaced by opening the Listen Everywhere mobile app.

2. Creating App Themes to Reflect Your Brand

Begin with the theme artwork – The theme is what your guests see first when opening the app. The app theme settings is where you configure how the app will look. You can select the primary and secondary colors, the title, enable channel info, and add background images. Create your app theme settings by clicking on the main menu options and selecting App Theme Settings.

To customize the Listen EVERYWHERE app you’ll need a 640×280-pixel image that represents your organization. You can use a 640×500-pixel image for tablets, but the app can generate this size from the 640×280-pixel image.

Determine the right aspect ratio for the theme – The aspect ratio for artwork sounds like a complicated term, but computer programs make it easy. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of the screen or image. Try PhotoshopCanva or another photo-editing program to set the aspect ratio. What you should never do, though, is stretch the artwork to fit the box. If it’s too small, consider instead adding a color frame around it to fill the whitespace.

3. Listen EVERYWHERE App Media and Document Specifications

A screen shot of the drop-down menu options for customizing the Listen EVERWHERE app in Cloud Services.

Create your media and then upload and assign the images to the corresponding features. Select these features on the Cloud Services page, using the expandable menu located on the left-hand side.

All images must be in JPG or PNG format. Videos must be in MP4 format. Any documents you want to add must be in PDF format. Resolutions are provided in pixels.*

Media Specifications

Channel Images – When customizing the Listen EVERYWHERE app, it’s important to note that Channels use both small and large images. The small square channel image is displayed in the list of channels available. The app displays the rectangular larger channel image once the channel has been selected.

A screen shot calls out where you can see the use of small square images and large rectangular images in the Listen EVERYWEHRE app.
  • Small: 200 W x 200 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
    • The software resizes the images to 200 W x 200 H
    • JPG or PNG image format with max file size of 5MB
  • Large: 600 W x 200 H – 2,456 W x 1.840 H
    • The software resizes the images to 600 W x 200 H
    • JPG or PNG image format with max file size of 5MB

Offers – Banner Image (when Offer is also used as a Sliding Banner): Phone: 640 W x 280 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H

  • The software resizes the images to 640 W x 280 H
  • Dialog Image: Phone: 640 W x 500 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
  • The software resizes the images to 640 W x 500 H
  • Tablet: 924 W x 462 – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
  • The software resizes the images to 924 W x 462 H
  • JPG or PNG image format with max file size of 5MB
  • Maximum of (6) Sliding Banners allowed. This includes Offers that are also used as Sliding Banners.
  • Optional: PDF format with max file size of 5MB

Sliding Banners – Banner Image: Phone: 640 W x 280 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H

  • The software resizes the images to 640 W x 280 H
  • Dialog Image: Phone: 640 W x 500 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
  • The software resizes the images to 640 W x 500 H
  • Tablet: 924 W x 462 – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
  • The software resizes the images to 924 W x 462 H
  • JPG or PNG image format with max file size of 5MB
  • Maximum of (6) Sliding Banners allowed. This includes Offers that are also used as Sliding Banners.

Welcome Ads

  • Small Image: 640 W x 960 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
    • The software resizes the images to 640 W x 960 H
    • JPG or PNG image format with max file size of 5MB
  • Large Image (optional): 2,048 W x 1,536 H – 2,456 W x 1,840 H
    • The software resizes the images to 2,048 W x 1,536 H
    • JPG or PNG image format with max file size of 5MB
  • Video:
    • File Format: mp4
    • Video Bitrate: 500kbps
    • Video Resolution: 480 W x 360 H
    • Frame Rate: 30fps
    • Audio Codec: AAC-LC
    • Sound: Mono or Stereo
    • Audio Bit Rate: 128kbps

Documents Format and Size

Documents must be in a portable document format (PDF) and not be larger than 5MB.

4. Editing and Formatting Media for the Listen EVERYWHERE App

If you’re not a graphic designer and not using design software, there are many readily available software programs to help you customize the Listen EVERYWHERE app. Here are some examples of ways to resize and crop an image.

A screen shot of how to resize and crop an image using Microsoft Paint.

As an example, Microsoft Paint (MS Paint) for Windows performs this task very easily. In MS Paint, the resize and crop options are easily visible on the home tab. It’s helpful to resize the image by “pixels” to better match the height and width dimensions for successful upload into Cloud Services.

Formatting is also simple for both images and videos. Most, if not all programs have
“Save As…” or “Export” options. This specifically allows you to save the file one of the supported formats.

Screen shot of a Windows dialogue box highlighting the "save as type" where you can indicate the file type you want to save a file type as.

Furthermore, here’s an example of a video export in OpenShot Video Editor:

Screen shot of the OpenShot brand video editing software showing how to select the video export format and resolution.

5. Other Available Customizations in the App

In addition to creating and uploading media to customize the Listen EVERYWHERE app, you may also want to edit the Server Name, Channel Name(s), Audio Input Mode, and Channel visibility. Changing these options helps your customer view and select the available channels in the Listen EVERYWHERE app.

Follow these steps to customize these Listen EVERYWHERE app features:

  1. Log into your Cloud Services account
  2. Using the main menu located on the left-hand side, navigate to Venue Servers & Labels
  3. Select Venue Servers List
  4. Select the Listen EVERYWHERE Server you would like to edit
  5. Select Save once all edits are complete *

* Note: The first Save button will save the settings on the top-half of the page and will automatically reboot the Venue Server. The second Save button will save the Channel settings and will not reboot the Venue Server.

A screen shot of the cloud services software calling out where you can change the server name, enable channels, customize the channel names in the Listen EVERYWHERE app, and switch between mono and stereo modes.

While this list of tips for customizing the Listen EVERYWHERE app isn’t comprehensive, you can learn more in the Listen EVERHWHERE Cloud Services User Manual and the Listen EVERYWHERE App User Manual.

And if you need help with something, don’t hesitate to contact Listen Technologies’ Technical Services team at +1.801.233.8992 or support@listentech.com for assistance. They’re always happy to help!

*Please note: Offers, documents, and secondary app theme tab colors are not available on the LWR-1020 Wi-Fi Receiver.

Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.

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