Please fill out the form below to request access to the Listen NAVILUTION Cortex Software.
Navilution Cortex Software is a free tool allowing you to customize your tour and routes used by the full suite of Navilution systems.
Cortex for Route Development training is required to receive access to the tool. Information on this training can be found on our training page, here.
Please note that this request is processed during normal business hours and could take up to 24 hours.
You will receive an email with credentials to log in to Navilution Cortex (, and the password will request to be changed before proceeding.
If you have any questions when using this free service, please reach out to our or call +1.801.233.8992 for assistance.
14912 Heritage Crest Way
Bluffdale, Utah
84065-4818 USA
Phone: +1.801.233.8992
Toll-Free: 1.800.330.0891
Office Hours
8:00 am – 5:00 pm MT
Monday – Friday
First, select the calculator type, USA (for Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA), California (for California Building Code), or Australia (for Australia's Disability Discrimination Act 1992). Enter the seating capacity and the number of minimum assistive listening devices required and the minimum number of neck loops will automatically populate based on the calculator type selected.