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Assistive listening and Wi-Fi streaming go hand in hand. Together, they create an inclusive personal listening experience for everyone—whether they have hearing loss or perfect hearing.

Listen Everywhere is the premier provider of high-quality streaming audio. This plug-and-play solution streams crystal-clear sound via free apps to Android and iOS devices. It creates a complete solution for personal listening when added to your listening menu.

Here are three ways to use the two systems together:

Translation services

Venues that offer translation services often need ADA- or IBC-compliant assistive listening devices, too. Buying assistive listening devices for everyone to hear translated audio would be a costly investment, though.

Instead, a venue could offer assistive listening devices to those with hearing loss. Then they could stream the translation over Wi-Fi to guests who’ve downloaded the free Listen Everywhere app.

TV and video viewing

Student unions, corporate fitness centers, bars, museums, restaurants, airport lounges. What do they have in common? They often use TVs to entertain and inform visitors and customers.

They’re also venues that need assistive listening systems. Using Listen Everywhere, they can stream audio from screens to guests who don’t need assistive listening. Then they can use their RF, IR or loop system to deliver sound to guests who need hearing help.


While movie theaters blast surround sound, live theaters often have sound challenges. Venues like Hale Centre Theatre use Loop systems to deliver sound to guests with hearing loss. Others use RF or IR systems. With Listen Everywhere, theaters can stream sound to guests who don’t have hearing loss, ensuring everyone can hear the dialogue.

While Wi-Fi streaming systems aren’t ADA- or IBC-compliant, they’re the ideal complement to assistive listening systems. We package Listen Everywhere with our RF and IR systems to make affordable personal listening available to everyone. If you’re interested in a combo compliance system, or want to add Listen Everywhere to your existing assistive listening system, call (877) 760-9270 or go to listeneverywhere.com today!

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