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This blog post is the second in a series on how organizations might secure funding for small projects such as an assistive listening system.

Read “Raising Money 101 – Funding An Assistive Listening System”.

While the focus of this series is on funding for assistive listening systems, this post expands its scope to Assistive Technology.

Assistive Technology is a service or tool that helps seniors or individuals with disabilities do the activities they have always done but must now do differently. These tools are also sometimes called “adaptive devices.” Some examples are switches to adjust an air conditioner, mobility aids, and transportation assistance.

If you’ve never written a fundraising proposal for Assistive Technology, you may find the following background resources very helpful.

Describes the general philosophical basis for using augmentative communication and assistive technology with young children who have disabilities.
Task force deals with issues related to access to telecommunications and assistive technology in education, employment, and independent living.
A list of links from the FCC Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau related to disability issues, including closed captioning, 911-TTY compatibility, telecommunication relay services and various sections of the Rehabilitation Act.

The fact sheet from the Arc addresses the types of technology that can help people with intellectual and other disabilities like Down syndrome and cerebral palsy with communication, mobility and daily living. The document is in Word format.

The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), a sub-cabinet level agency in the Department of Labor, provides national leadership on disability employment policy by building collaborative partnerships and delivering authoritative and credible data to ensure that people with disabilities are fully integrated into the 21st Century workforce.
SOAR is a search engine where you can find information on specific topics whether you’re looking for information or funding ideas.

Here are some examples of organizations supporting hearing issues.

Office of Disability Employment Policy –
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor. ODEP provides national leadership to increase employment opportunities for adults and youth with disabilities while striving to eliminate barriers to employment.

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing – http://www.agbell.org
Emphasizes the use of technology, speech, speech reading, residual hearing, and written and spoken language. Focuses specifically on children with hearing loss, providing ongoing support and advocacy for parents, professionals, and other interested parties.  Email: info@agbell.org

American Academy of Audiology – http://www.audiology.org
The American Academy of Audiology promotes quality hearing and balances care by advancing the profession of audiology through leadership, advocacy, education, public awareness, and support of research.
Email: info@audiology.org

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association –
Promotes the interests of, and provide the highest quality services for, professions in audiology, speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science; and an advocate for people with communication disabilities. Email: http://www.asha.org
The next blog post will focus on funding resources like sponsorships, corporate funding, and grants. Be sure to check back soon.
Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.

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