Auri Security Agility
Auri Security Agility Good and faithful Listen blog followers are well in the know about Bluetooth® LE, Auracast™, and the wonderful wonderfulness that is Auri™…
Auri Security Agility Good and faithful Listen blog followers are well in the know about Bluetooth® LE, Auracast™, and the wonderful wonderfulness that is Auri™…
Bluetooth SIG Certifies Auri™! It’s official! Auri™, the first complete assistive listening solution utilizing Auracast™ broadcast audio, has received formal certification from the Bluetooth…
The AV Industry Embraces Auracast™ If you’ve followed the development and introduction of our new Auri™ line, you’re well aware of the excitement surrounding this…
Auracast™: Enhancing the Listening Experience for All Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) provide a necessary service, daily, to millions of users. Several ALS technologies are available…
Auracast™ – Hear, There and Everywhere Most everyone reading this enjoys the benefits of Bluetooth®. Providing short-range wireless point-to-point solutions for many applications, including computer…
14912 Heritage Crest Way
Bluffdale, Utah
84065-4818 USA
Phone: +1.801.233.8992
Toll-Free: 1.800.330.0891
Office Hours
8:00 am – 5:00 pm MT
Monday – Friday
First, select the calculator type, USA (for Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA), California (for California Building Code), or Australia (for Australia's Disability Discrimination Act 1992). Enter the seating capacity and the number of minimum assistive listening devices required and the minimum number of neck loops will automatically populate based on the calculator type selected.