Rocking and Rolling with Listen Tour Group
When you visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, OH, you have the option of taking a tour with a Listen wireless audio system.
When you visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, OH, you have the option of taking a tour with a Listen wireless audio system.
How do you show off a state-of-the-art shipping and tracking facility when the equipment includes conveyor belts and jet aircraft making so much noise you can’t hear someone yelling next to you? With Listen, of course!
Imagine for a moment that you cannot read this. Your eyesight is fine. It’s just that you don’t read, write, or speak any English. Now pretend you’re elderly, with no family, barely able to make ends meet, and experiencing one or more significant health problems that need medical attention. If you’re a bit concerned, so are a lot of other people.
The Begin Museum of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem was inspired by the life and leadership of Menachem Begin, a former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner. The architecture is modest with an air of dignity and was intentionally designed this way as a representation of Begins own character.
Sound amplification needs to not only make sounds louder but more intelligible. A loud overhead sound system that no one can understand has no value. The effect of quality sound amplification for presentations and trainings is significant. Studies have shown that sound amplification in small- to medium size rooms can increase people’s retention by as much as 30%.
Staying ahead of the competition is a challenge many business owners face. Understanding the changing policies, technologies and business tactics necessary to win a bid these days is a necessity for business success. The sessions and keynote speakers featured at NSCAs 2012 Business & Leadership Conference, March 1-3, 2012, in Dallas, TX, will provide integrators with solutions to these issues and many more.
October 16 officially kicks off InfoComm AV Week 2011. InfoComm members in Utah got a head start on celebrating AV Week this year.
The 3-day SynAudCon Digital Seminar is divided evenly between basic digital theory and Ethernet-based audio networks. Brenda arranges a site visit of a large networked system in the area for each class.
O.C. Sound is the pro audio company started by Bob Johns and myself in 2000. Over the past few years we have found the need for some form of wireless transmitter/receiver system for a remote speaker system. These are either outdoor events that required a second set of speakers a couple of hundred feet away from the mains or in a hotel conference hall that would have been involved extensive cabling through congested areas.
A study published in May by Nobel Prize winning physics professor Carl Wieman suggests that teaching methods using interactive technology can be far more effective than traditional lectures.
14912 Heritage Crest Way
Bluffdale, Utah
84065-4818 USA
Phone: +1.801.233.8992
Toll-Free: 1.800.330.0891
Office Hours
8:00 am – 5:00 pm MT
Monday – Friday
First, select the calculator type, USA (for Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA), California (for California Building Code), or Australia (for Australia's Disability Discrimination Act 1992). Enter the seating capacity and the number of minimum assistive listening devices required and the minimum number of neck loops will automatically populate based on the calculator type selected.