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Two tourists outside while looking at the digital display of a camera to look at what was just photographed.

Shutter Tours – A Unique Approach

I am always intrigued by unique approaches to conducting tours. Truth be told, a big part of what peaks my interest is that we offer mobile audio devices for tours for both the tour guide and the tour participants. I firmly believe that tour participants deserve to fully experience not only what they are seeing but also what they are hearing. And, the tour guide just needs to be able to move around and focus on giving the participants an interesting experience and not be concerned about wrangling everyone and whether or not they can hear what it is being said.

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Conference room with 2 people there and 6 people shown meeting virtually through a screen

AV for Safety and Savings

We’ve all seen on television and in movies those high-tech board rooms and control rooms with people who, despite being located worlds apart, appear to be in the same room. We’ve seen lights dimmed and videos start with the touch of a single button, large presentation boards that reveal information when lecturers drag their index fingers across, and we’ve seen people passing files, and even videos, back and forth between computers and to and from cell phones.

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Empty classroom showing desks, chairs, a bright window with the shade partially down, fluorescent lighting, AV cameras and projectors installed on the ceiling and the wall, a long chalkboard, and a teaching pulpit.

AV Planning For The Classroom

Planning a new classroom, whether it be a tiered 65 person classroom with fixed seating, a flat floor space with movable furniture to accommodate 35 students, or any other configuration need not be difficult at all, if you can define the appropriate room characteristics. 

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Portable Language Interpretation System – So Simple It Fits In A Case

Did you know that a wireless Language Interpretation system can fit into a briefcase? With a Portable FM system, both the interpreter’s microphone unit and the participant’s headphone listening unit are wireless – which makes this system perfect for multiple applications such as courtrooms, corporate boardrooms, houses of worship, and classrooms. Take the system anyhere. This video will show you how easy it is to communicate your message in multiple languages!

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HLAA Videos Offer Help On Hearing Loss

New accurate information about hearing loss, its causes and what to do about it is now available. The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) contracted with Knowlera Media to produce a series of seven, four-minute, captioned videos on hearing loss. Information to adequately brief someone on hearing loss is all in one place in an easy-to-access format.

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Close-up photo of Rodney Clark "Hot Rod" Hundley with a big smile and wearing a long-sleeved soft yellow button-down dress shirt, his wire frame oval shaped glasses, and a headset with a microphone

See With Your Ears Using Audio Description

I have fond memories of listening to “Hot Rod” Hundley calling the play-by-play for the Utah Jazz. It used to be that not many Utah Jazz games were televised and you were forced to rely on the audio description provided by Hot Rod on the radio. In many ways, the audio description of the event was even better than being there live. Hot Rod had some interesting and unforgettable terms like “Leapin’ leaner”; “Hippity-hop” and “Good if it goes!” I’d almost call that “high definition” play-by-play.

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