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In this article, we are going to show you the benefits of collaboration and working with professionals when creating stories for your sightseeing or tour business. Currently, your script may seem like its missing something, and your business isn’t reaping the benefits that it should.

How can your business benefit from better stories?

  1. If you deliver great experiences, people will talk and word will spread.
  2. Stories are how we get to know the world and our experience in it; it’s how we make connections and remember things.
  3. Travelers crave authentic experiences that appeal to their senses, are meaningful, emotional and intellectual.
  4. Great stories capture the imagination of audiences. They help your customers make meaningful connections to your company and your company’s brand. And great stories serve as a strategic and competitive weapon – a powerful tool that differentiates your business from the rest of the pack of “me too” companies.
  5. Consistency is a key to success; consistency of tour products, consistency of service, and consistency of experience. Provide high-quality passenger experiences every time your tours depart.

When creating and writing sightseeing and tour scripts, we highly recommend hiring someone that has experience and expertise in writing audio scripts. Writers take all the information you can provide and structure it in ways so that your story flows from point to point, fitting them within a timing template. A professional is thinking about creating your experience so it’s a continuous story or if required, self standing vignettes, all while keeping in mind the overall feel that you’re working towards. This moves your tour away from the traditional fact driven tour where the tendency is to direct your passengers attention to points of interest.

No One Knows Your Tours Better Than You Do

A successful audio script is more than the sum of its parts. The synergy of a client’s expertise with ours produces something greater; a surefire tour that engages, entertains and enlightens. That’s why AudioConexus values collaboration with customers.

Our writers are the opposite of temperamental artists: we welcome criticism, direction and feedback. AudioConexus tours spring from a collaborative meeting of the minds. They reflect the combined perspective of insiders and outsiders to produce a tour that’s unique and custom made, one that works every time for every visitor.

We know that no one knows the subject matter better than a customer with years of on-site experience. They know what has and hasn’t worked in past tours, and have chosen a direction for the future. They know their visitors, whether they’re local seniors returning with their grandkids or international travelers visiting for the first time. From the company CEO to the bus drivers, every member of your team has an invaluable perspective to share.

Your existing script becomes the foundation to build on and we take your tour to a higher level. Think of a professional script as an investment; a good story lives on and on, transcending changes in technology.

Call us to learn more about our creative processes and why commentary integration is critical when purchasing a multi-language commentary system.

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