Every year at this time, we commemorate the anniversary of our organization. In 1979, Founder Howard E. Rocky Stone founded the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) as Self Help for Hard of Hearing People.
Rocky established the organization 31 years ago after seeking information and support for his own hearing loss and found none. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan appointed Rocky to the Access Board which drafted the guidelines for the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Rocky passed away in 2004, having lived life centered on people, doing what he could to encourage them and make their lives better.
In November 1989, on the occasion of the 10-year anniversary of our organization, Rocky wrote: “ As we celebrate Founders Day this is an occasion to rededicate our energy and talent to helping others learn and share our experience and to make a commitment to make hearing loss an issue of national concern.”
Hearing loss is a public health issue. Join us today as we dedicate our energy and talents to continue the work Rocky Stone began 31 years ago.
Happy Birthday HLAA!