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Listen EVERYWHERE is the preferred inclusive listening solution for houses of worship, hospitality, bars and more. This system broadcasts sound over Wi-Fi via a free app—transforming smartphones into personal listening devices perfect for everyone, whether they hear well or not.

So what is the ADA and what do you need to do to be compliant? President George H.W. Bush signed The Americans with Disabilities Act into law in 1990, requiring accessibility in public and private buildings for people with disabilities, including hearing loss. In a nutshell, owners of certain venues and buildings need to remove barriers and give people with disabilities accommodations similar to the general public. That includes providing assistive listening devices for people with hearing loss. If you’re not sure what you need to do to comply with the ADA, we can help. Check out our ADA calculator here.

We know that you and your patrons love the inclusive listening features of Listen EVERYWHERE. We can help you make it ADA compliant. Here’s how:

Pair it with an RF system

In this package, you’ll get all the benefits of our state-of-the-art Listen EVERYWHERE system plus ADA compliance. The ListenRF system broadcasts sound via radio frequency to venue-provided equipment, while Listen EVERYWHERE broadcasts audio via Wi-Fi to patrons’ smartphones. Everything is a snap to set up and easy to use, whether your a techie or a tech newbie.

With this package, everyone will have a choice on how they hear—at a cost that’s affordable for even the smallest venue, bar, house of worship or government building.

Add a more advanced RF system

If you’re looking for something that’s a little less basic but still ADA compliant and affordable, we have another option for you. Our ListenRF iDSP uses RF technology to broadcast sound via radio frequency to venue-provided equipment. It has more range than the basic ListenRF system and no need to replace batteries. Add Listen EVERYWHERE, and you have a perfect solution for venues from houses of worship to government buildings, and bars to schools. Like ListenRF + Listen EVERYWHERE, this package also is simple to set up and easy to use.

ListenRF iDSP and Listen EVERYWHERE work together as an ADA compliant, inclusive, and affordable solution.

Choose an IR solution

If you’d like a system that’s a little more advanced and secure than RF, then look no further than our Listen EVERYWHERE + ListenIR solution. ListenIR, which meets all ADA requirements, uses infrared light waves—like in TV remotes—to transmit sound. This signal can’t pass through walls, so it’s ideal for areas where security is essential. ListenIR’s integrated neck loop/lanyard delivers sound to users with cochlear implants and t-coil hearing aids. However, users don’t need a hearing aid or implant to use it. While the ListenIR system is more secure than RF solutions, it’s just as easy to set up and use.

When you combine it with Listen EVERYWHERE, you get the best listening solution on the market—secure, affordable, and compliant. Plus, you give everyone the opportunity to have a superior personal listening experience.

At Listen Technologies, we understand you want to give your patrons or parishioners the best possible personal listening experience. We also know you want to stay in compliance with ADA requirements. That’s why we offer Listen EVERYWHERE along with our most popular ADA-compliant systems. If you’re ready to try one of our inclusive and compliant solutions, give us a call now at (877) 760-9270 or check out our website.

Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.

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