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The Sound Agency’s goal is to optimize an organization’s BrandSound™ Led by Chairman Julian Treasure a man passionate about sound and importance and impact of sound in our lives, The Sound Agency has developed models and methods for businesses to improve its results by becoming conscious about its sound.
Julian Treasure is one of few people with three talks on the prestigious TED.com website. We used his “Sound Matters” talk in a recent interactive white paper.
In October Julian Treasure delivered an InAVate sponsored seminar – Sound Effects! to attendees of the xSolutions conference in London. xSolutions is a two-day conference for professionals who sell, install, purchase or have responsibility for the day-to-day running of audio and video communication technologies within UK commercial facilities.
What follows are five videos of various lengths from Julian Treasure’s seminar. He is an engaging presenter and delivers a truly transformative presentation on the profound effects of sound on us all.
In the first chapter of his keynote presentation at xSolutions 2011, Julian Treasure introduces the Sound Agency and talks about the wonderful organs we all have strapped to the sides of our head.


This segment delivers information on the four ways we are affected by sound.


In part three Julian Treasure presents a model that has been developed called Soundflow to help with designing soundscapes for different environments.



This portion is about the areas of brand sound and the ways in which pro audio is in play.


Julian addresses the sad reality that we are losing our listening and offers hope for how to remember how to listen.


In the final segment, Julian reviews the ten most common errors he sees in pro audio installations.

Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.

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