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We help our customers navigate through essential changes in our industry. We need to inform you of changes that may affect your business in the future.

On April 13, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced new rules and regulations for the use of wireless microphones and similar devices operating on specific frequency spectrums in the United States.

More specifically, these regulations affect many wireless tour guide systems that our customers use daily. Businesses and organizations that use these types of devices will need to make changes by 2020.

What are the New Rules?

These wireless devices typically operate on unused portions of broadcast television bands.

Due to the increasing demand for wireless broadband services, the FCC has decided to auction off the licensing rights to television stations operating on TV Channels 38-51. These channels correspond to the 600 MHz spectrum, more explicitly 614 to 698 MHz.

Therefore, due to the repurposing of these channels, wireless microphone type devices (and wireless tour guide systems) can no longer operate on this spectrum.

New systems are below the 614 MHz frequency, offering the same quality of experience within the new compliant frequency band.

How Do I Know I Will Need a New Wireless System?

If you currently own a wireless tour guide system, this change is just for the United States; so, if you are outside this area you don’t have to worry.

How and When Does This Affect Me?

These new regulations are going to affect many businesses and organizations – to be more specific, a significant portion of AudioConexus U.S. based customers using tour guide systems purchased before the new regulations.

If you are a HearMe or ieXplore tour guide system customer located in the United States, operating devices in the 640 to 664 MHz frequency range, you will have to make a change to a new frequency in the next two and a half years.

FCC Provides Grace Period

The FCC is aware of the impact of its decision regarding the change in frequency bands and has allowed a grace period for those using systems on the 600 MHz frequency to switch over.

Everyone is required to switch over by July 13, 2020. Until then, users are allowed to use their 600 MHz system.

It is important to note that depending on your location, auction winners may begin to use and test on their new spectrum. We are unable to determine how this may affect the systems still in use in the 640 to 664 MHz frequency range.

As a result, these users may be having to cease using their older system before the July 2020 deadline.

What is AudioConexus Doing to Ease This Transition?

AudioConexus began selling our HearMe Tour Guide System on a newly approved frequency range of 584 to 608 MHz after the ruling.

For our current customers still using our systems in the 640 to 664 MHz frequency range, we will continue to provide technical support and stock to the best of our ability.

If you have purchased one of our Tour Guide Systems and are unsure how to check your frequency, please call us at 613-507-1300 or Contact AudioConexus Technical Support.

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