Neck Loops
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Building Code (CBC) both have specific requirements for the number of receivers and neck loops that must be provided with an assistive listening system.
Based on your prior location selection (United States or California), the hardware quantity below reflects the minimum number of receivers and neck loops required to meet ADA or CBC compliance.
Radio Frequency
ListenRF is a staple for providing assistive listening across various applications and venue types.
Auracast™ Broadcast Audio
Auri™ is the first complete solution to let venues and end users adopt Auracast™ broadcast audio technology for assistive listening in public spaces. Access the audio on a dedicated Auri™ receiver or a device capable of receiving an Auracast™ broadcast.
Audio Over Wi-Fi
ListenWIFI streams audio directly to a dedicated receiver or a guest’s smartphone using our free, customizable mobile app.
Portable RF
ListenTALK is a portable one or two-way system used for interpretation, assistive listening, and tours and training.
ListenIR transmits a clear, reliable signal across large areas with uninterrupted audio performance.
Please note: You should always check your local compliance regulations in your region. Reach out to your local authorities to find more information on the topic.
This information is not meant to be a substitute for legal advice or legal opinions. You should always obtain legal advice that is specific to you and your situation. This information is general information only and is NOT a substitute for legal advice or legal opinions. Among other things, this information may not reflect current legal developments or other issues that may apply to your specific circumstances and situation.