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Assistive Listening and Wireless Communication System Configuration Tool


Do you need a stationary or portable system? Whether you need a portable group communication system or need to provide translation services or a combination – we can help.
  • Stationary: Installed in your facility.
  • Portable: A system that moves around for your specific needs

What do you need an audio distribution system for?
  • Assistive Listening: An Assistive Listening System (ALS) is a wireless system that includes transmitters and receivers, to improve the audio experience for a person who is hard of hearing, sending the audio directly to headphones, hearing aids, or cochlear implants without amplifying ambient noise.
  • Compliance: Many governments require assistive listening (also referred to as assistive hearing systems and devices) to provide equal access to amplified sound in government and public spaces.
  • Interpretation Services: Interpreters use an audio system to hear the source language and simultaneously deliver interpretation to an unlimited number of participants from one unit and headset. Interpretation scenarios include simultaneous, whisper, relay, liaison, or consecutive interpretation.
  • Tours or Training: Many environments make facility, campus, and leisure tours difficult to hear the guide. Group communication systems in these noisy environments can be challenging and using an audio system to help engage participants can be a winning strategy.

Where are you located? United States (Excluding CA): Based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) there are specific requirements for the number of assistive listening devices to be provided in the United States.

California: California has different requirements in the California Building Code (CBC) that are slightly stricter to meet both ADA and CBC compliance.

Are you looking for one-way or two-way communication? One-way: Participants listen only to the group leader(s).

Two-way: Participants can talk back to the group or group leader(s).

What is the room capacity of your space? ADA Compliance is calculated based on the room capacity of the space. By providing the capacity of your individual space, we can calculate the number of listening devices and neck loops needed to meet compliance.

How many languages and total listeners? Each language requires an interpreter and transceiver. Please enter the number of languages to be provided and the total number of people you expect to need interpretation.

How many group leaders and participants would you like to be able to accommodate? Calculate the number of leaders per group and multiply by the number of different groups. Calculate how many listen-only participants to accommodate.

How many people, including the leader(s), participate in trainings or tours? Calculate the total number of people across all simultaneous trainings or tours to accommodate.

Does your audio need to be private or secured? Some venues need secure audio to keep the audio private. Examples include court proceedings, health information settings, or board meetings. If you do not have a special security need, select “No”.

Hardware you'll need:







Neck Loops


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Building Code (CBC) both have specific requirements for the number of receivers and neck loops that must be provided with an assistive listening system.

Based on your prior location selection (United States or California), the hardware quantity below reflects the minimum number of receivers and neck loops required to meet ADA or CBC compliance.

Recommended Technologies:

Radio Frequency


ListenRF is a staple for providing assistive listening across various applications and venue types.

  • Flexible options for any budget
  • Superior audio quality
  • Range: up to 1,000 ft. (72 MHz) or 3,000 ft. (216 MHz)

Auracast™ Broadcast Audio


Auri™ is the first complete solution to let venues and end users adopt Auracast™ broadcast audio technology for assistive listening in public spaces. Access the audio on a dedicated Auri™ receiver or a device capable of receiving an Auracast™ broadcast.

  • Let guests use their own Auracast™ - enabled products
  • Customizable through the Auri™ Manager Software
  • Delivers high-quality, low-latency audio

Audio Over Wi-Fi


ListenWIFI streams audio directly to a dedicated receiver or a guest’s smartphone using our free, customizable mobile app.

  • Uses existing Wi-Fi network
  • Allows up to 500 simultaneous users per server
  • Range: dependent on Wi-Fi network

Portable RF


ListenTALK is a portable one or two-way system used for interpretation, assistive listening, and tours and training.

  • Flexible and secure
  • Up to 20 groups in the same area and unlimited participants per group
  • Range: up to 328 ft. indoors and 656 ft. outdoors



ListenIR transmits a clear, reliable signal across large areas with uninterrupted audio performance.

  • Ideal when secure audio is essential
  • IR receiver offers best-in-class sensitivity and range
  • Range: up to 30,000 sq. ft. per transmitter/radiator

Recommended Systems:



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Thank you for trusting Listen Technologies! Your satisfaction is our highest priority.

We appreciate you reaching out to us and someone will be in touch very soon! Listen employees work and respond to all messages during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm MT.


Need another system recommendation?

Please note: You should always check your local compliance regulations in your region. Reach out to your local authorities to find more information on the topic.

This information is not meant to be a substitute for legal advice or legal opinions. You should always obtain legal advice that is specific to you and your situation. This information is general information only and is NOT a substitute for legal advice or legal opinions. Among other things, this information may not reflect current legal developments or other issues that may apply to your specific circumstances and situation.