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A great brochure needs to be an essential part of your marketing plans. It needs to be brief and eye-catching while communicating your key points using simple words to reach and motivate potential visitors to purchase tickets. Before designing your brochure, know your purpose. Define your objectives and know what visitors are looking for. It’s important to remember that your brochure needs to support your branding and communication efforts. If you’re looking to improve your existing or future brochure, we’re telling you our top 7 ways to improve your brochure, so keep reading!


    1. Keep your message clear, descriptive and simple by using an easy to read font style and colour. Use text sparingly and use blank space to your advantage. Create bulleted lists and bold elements making it easy for consumers to scan your brochure. Use a consistent theme that supports a cohesive marketing and brand strategy.
    2. When creating a brochure for multilingual audio tour experiences, we recommend using the front cover of your brochure as an opportunity to visually communicate to people that you offer foreign language tour experiences. Since many of your brochures will be sitting in racks where visual real estate is important, we recommend using international flags to communicate your value proposition to your visitors. This way, foreign language visitors will immediately see their country’s flag when looking at a sea of brochures.
    3. Create a visual representation of your route so people have a better understanding of your sightseeing tour and the amenities you offer. When selling your tour experience, make sure that the photos used are of the highest visual quality; great photos sell your experience, bad ones turn people off.


  1. Tell prospects who have just picked up your brochure what you can do for them and why they should buy tickets from you. Don’t focus on information, focus on persuasion. Add experience and share what it feels like to be on your tour; write words that will put people in your experience and how it would make them feel.
  2. Give reasons why people should choose you and support it with testimonials. People like reading about other peoples’ experiences instead of reading a sales pitch from the company.
  3. Translate your tour description into each of the languages that you offer. This way, a foreign language visitor picking up your brochure can read about the highlights of your tour and the reasons why they should choose you, without feeling excluded because of the language they speak.
  4. Don’t forget to include all of your contact information, such as telephone numbers, emails and website to make it easy for people to contact you if they have questions or want to purchase tickets.

A brochure is often your first impression with customers, so ensuring that it is representative of your company and the experience you provide to those that take your tours is crucial in increasing business and gaining valuable customers.

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