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Are you still using 20th Century tech for audio streaming? Are you worried that switching to a more technically advanced system—like Wi-Fi—will take more expertise than you have? Or that the learning curve for your guests or customers is too high?


Well, lucky for you, technology is on your side—switching your audio to a Wi-Fi streaming system can be as easy as plug-and-play. Globally, there are 1.9 billion smartphone users, why not provide audio for your guests on a device that they are already familiar with and comfortable using—a system so simple to use that everyone with a smartphone will figure it out in a matter of seconds. Audio Everywhere from Listen Technologies is the most advanced Wi-Fi streaming system on the market.


Easy to install

There aren’t many systems as easy to connect as Audio Everywhere. The system connects to your existing Wi-Fi network, uses existing audio channels from your music systems, set-top boxes or other audio sources. In addition, it uses negligible internet bandwidth and won’t interfere with the user’s internet access. Best of all, it’s scalable—you can use one or many audio sources and for hundreds of simultaneous users.


Installation takes very few steps:

  • Power-up your server.
  • Connect a CAT-5 cable to your wireless network.
  • Connect the audio from your audio sources, like the output of a mixing console.
  • You’re ready to stream!


Audio Everywhere from Listen Technologies is a breeze to set up but will make a huge difference in your customer experience.


Simple to use

Because 77 percent of adults in the U.S. own a smartphone, most of your customers can use  Audio Everywhere without any problems. To get started streaming:

  • Download the Audio Everywhere app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Connect to the venue’s wireless network.
  • Open the app and start streaming audio!


Your customers or guests will appreciate being able to hear critical calls in games, your inspirational message, dialog on their favorite TV show, or breaking news. Plus, they can quickly switch between shows or audio sources. The Audio Everywhere app is easy to use and delivers reliable, crystal-clear audio.


If you’re not using wireless audio streaming, it’s time to embrace innovation. Switching from a wired system to a seamless, simple streaming solution is as easy as plug-and-play with Audio Everywhere from Listen Technologies. You’ll have it connected quickly, and your customers or guests can start streaming audio in a matter of seconds. Call us today at 1.800.330.0891 or click here to get Audio Everywhere!

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